Restore Your Thighs After Weight Loss

A Thigh Lift is a surgical procedure designed to correct excess skin of the thigh. In many patients, the thighs are a problem area, and grow in size significantly with weight gain. Often, there is residual skin left behind after weight loss as thigh skin does not “snap back” particularly well. In many patients, some degree of fatty deposits may remain after weight loss as well, and these will need to be addressed with liposuction for the best result.

There are two main types of thigh lift, vertical and medial. The typical scar after surgery is designed to go from the groin region to the knee. In patients with more skin, the scar may be made into a “T” in the groin crease. The scar can also be taken below the knee all the way to the ankle depending on how much extra skin there is. All of these types of lift are classified as ‘vertical’ as there is a final scar that goes vertically along the inside of the thigh.

For patients with less skin, or who are willing to accept a lesser result for a less conspicuous scar, a ‘medial’ thigh lift has a resultant scar that only sits in the groin crease where the thigh meets the pubic region.
Many patients who elect to have a vertical thigh lift have lost in excess of 50lbs, with some reaching numbers several times that. On occasion, a patient will have loose skin that has just lost its tone because of genetics or age, and they can be deemed a candidate for the operation. To see examples of some of our patients, see our before & after photos.